Sunday, December 25, 2011


So there i was.  Its Saturday on Christmas Eve.  Im working.  Several customers to take care of with a variety of trouble versus installations.  Yes, my job has us do this.  Most customers are extremely grateful that im even working today.  They load me up with cookie and treats and stuff.  However, its the other type i want to talk about.  I give this customer the opportunity to be the first one of my day.  This person responds to me saying they have christmas stuff and family things to do today and can i come by late this afternoon to fix the problem?  Really?  Are you serious?  Am i just a lifeless servant with nothing better to do that wait for YOU to get home on christmas eve as my own family is patiently delaying its own events to accomodate me working?  Uh no.  So as i take a moment to take all the swear words out of my response, i respond with "well i hope to be attending my own family xmas stuff by then, i can have someone come on tuesday"?  Now this person chooses to act like i am causing the biggest inconvienence of his life.  OH NO, i cant wait until tuesday, we might die.  In the end they choose to be home and wait for me.

Now, what is wrong with this picture?  i can think of several things.  Has the spoiled brat sense of entitlement gotten that bad?  Should i have upheld the "customer first" bullshit to its highest and honored the request?  On any other saturday i probably would have.  But on this particular day i decided that the employee gets to come first.  when was the last time that happened for any of us?  if only for a second? 

On a side note.  I think back to various xmas pasts.  some away, some not, some with someone, some alone.  But this year I get to add a new experience to the list.  I really wanted to spend xmas with my someone special.  Circumstances did not allow for that to happen.  Its at that moment that I realized there is definately a diffenerence in being alone for a major holiday and being alone because the other simply cant be there.  There was this revealed sense of ignorance.  alones are not all created equal.  Kind of like the difference between simply missing a piece and  knowing where the missing piece is.

i was 19 the first time i spent a xmas away from home and family.  Overseas in Korea is about as far away as you can get before you start coming back.  Alone yes, but so were the rest of us.  Differeneces set aside for a day and we were all family...brothers.  As far away as it was, for a moment, you felt like you were at home. 

Since i can no longer concentrate as my mind is now wandering i will end this here....

...and to the person mentioned earlier...i miss you.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What happen to survival of the fittest?

So there I was, at the gas station getting a soda.  In front of me were 2 women in their 30s id say.  On the counter is pile of junk food.  Chips, chocolate, typical gas station stuff your face crap.  The one pauses to answer a text on her new Iphone4.  She then proceeds to pay for 2 packs of cigs with cash then asks the cashier if she can use EBT (food stamps) to pay for the junk food.  This particular gas station doesnt take EBT.  So naturally they left.  I know the fat cow trying to use the EBT has at least one small child becasue she works at a sports bar i watch football at.


This liberal sense of entitlement needs to go away.

To quote one of my all time favorite comic strips Calvin (Calvin & Hobbes) said "Happiness isnt good enough for me, I demand euphoria"

Which brings me to my next thought.  Welfare.  Lots of talk about having drug testing for welfare.  Absolutely, like weekly.  But my biggest problem is this.  Welfare is suppose to be a helping hand ot get you by so you can get back on your feet.  So what do people do?  They get pregnant so the welfare check will go up.  I think welfare should provide free birth control and if you get pregnant while in the system you get kicked out and are banned from any form of welfare, food stamps, or assistance FOR LIFE.  If you are struggling, having another baby isnt helping your disposition any.  "oh no what about those poor kids, you cant just turn your back on them and put them on the street"  Sure we can.  Its an old concept called SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.  When a lion kills the alpha male of the pride and takes over the first thing he does is kill all the young.  Then he makes his own with the females of the pride.  Ok so the kids are a concern.  Easy.  Take them away and put them in foster care and up for adoption.  At that point any place is better than with deadbeat parents.  At that point i could care less if the adults go starve.  At least they have their $600 Iphone right? 

Now thats not to say there are precious few that use the system properly and get their life back on track.  I'm not talking about those. 

There needs to come a point where we as people and the system needs to tell some of these people if they can't pull their head out of their ass they are on their own....completely.

What about me?  I lost my job once.  Went and got unemployment and moved back into my parents house.  No welfare, no food stamps, i didnt need to go that far.  Four months i had a job, six months i was moved back out into my own place again.  It can be done. 

Here is the funny part.  Statisically, If you took a poll on the people that have a problem with this line of thought you will find that most of them are...liberal or democrat in some way.  Most not all.

But there is another part of this.  Oh yes.  Its todays generation of parents.  Not all but alot.  Every generation is determined to make it so their kids dont have it as hard as they did.  Well eventually kids of the future wont have to do anything at all if you follow that through to conclusion.  Kids and their sense of entitlement and not wanting to work.  McDonalds is beneath them.  They live at home sheltered there whole life and then are completely unprepared for the harsh dog eat dog nature of the world.  Then what?  Oh thats easy, just stay at home forever.  Even kids sports with the "everybody wins mentality"  Even Joe Montana has said that is the biggest bunch of bullshit ever.  Parents can't even dicipline their kids.  All of us over 30 im sure has a story of some harsh punishment that would get parents locked up in todays world but we turned out all right.

Ok im done the Packers are coming on soon.

"Life is tough, its even tougher when you're stupid". 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Veterans Day needs more hype

Some Definitions of a Veteran

1.  You have at least 180 days of regular active duty service and you were honorably discharged or released.

2.  You have at least 90 days of active duty service, at least one day of which was during wartime and you were honorably discharged or released

3.  You served in wartime and were awarded a Purple Heart or service-connected disability, or died, regardless of whether you completed the minimum length of active duty service.

4.  is a person who is experienced in a particular area, and is particularly used in Russia and the United States to refer to people with experience in the armed forces or law enforcement.

Veterans Day.  As a vet myself i declare this one of the most unappreciated and underobserved days on the calander.  If were up to me everyone who has served should get this day off with full pay, as it applies of course.  We always take time to appreciate the fallen and just say in general "support the troops".  Many people say it but then what do they actually do? 

I am going to share a few of my own personal experiences and stories from my Army time in an effort to talk about the types of things you don't get to hear about.

My particular unit in Korea was in a small valley, mountains on 3 sides.  It was on base tucked in the corner, everything was steep from roads to trails and steep stairs everywhere.  One day, a platoon was rotating their tanks through the ammo area.  It sits on one of the higher ledges.  Either the driver forgot to set the parking brake or it failed and the unmanned tank began to roll.  Over the ledge down the slope maybe 100 feet or more was one of the hooches.  A soldier who had just gotten off of 24 hour duty was in there sleeping.  He never saw what hit him.

Germany, a battalion was doing there winter field exercises.  There was snow and cold and all that.  It was chow time so the tanks were all parked.  for one reason or another 2 of them were parked facing each other relatively close.  One of the soldiers was walking by and one of the tanks started to slide on the slick snowy ground. it pinned him between the other tank almost cutting him in half.  He was concious.  Talking.  Laughing.  The 2 tanks were the only thing holding him together.  They went and got his wife and brought her tot he field so that they could say goodbye.  When the tanks were pulled apart what was one became two and he was no more.

Back in the states during another field excerise.  Mild terrain and broad daylight.  A tank commander was navigating his driver over some hilly sandy terrrain.  The sand gave way and the tank slid sideways and rolled over.  The commander tried to duck down inside but his microphone cord got caught on the machine gun.  He couldnt get all the way down inside.  When the tank finished rolling over his face was in a small puddle no more than an inch or 2 deep.  In the time it took the other to crewman in the turrent to get to him and cut the cord to pull him in he drown.

Combat action and suicide bombers are not the only way soldiers die.  These are the things you dont get to hear about and that everyone else takes for granted.  To put this in better perspective (although i do not think a civilian can truly understand) the rule is "train how you fight and fight how you train".  What does this mean?  Quite simply it means just becasue its practice or training doesnt mean you do anything differently.  Therefore there are still plenty of risks, but if you don't take those risks then you are not prepared should your time come for the real thing.

I will say though that soldiers of the last 10 years or so get treated better than say those of the Vietnam era.  I wasnt even alive and the stories i hear piss me off. 

Anyway.  Veterans Day, it should be on the same level as Christmas, Turkey Day, Labor Day, or its counterpart Memorial Day.  Yes, it should be that big of a deal. 

So while you are out and about, give a vet a hug, shake his/her hand, say thank you, and it doesnt just have to be on Veterans Day.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"in memory of"

OK, what is with this half ass formality of taking the time to recognize someone for their accomplishments AFTER they are dead?  Is this persons life just worthless until then?  I mean the person is dead now its not liek they really care anymore.  Oh well we just recognize this person for sake of their surviving family.  WTF?  There seems to be this misconception that there is more honor in doing it this way. 

Now you can look at this in a variety of situations.  Anything from a military ceremony, inheritance in a family, or a city naming a street after someone.  Why cant this be done while the person is alive?  Let them see and feel the appreciation that is being displayed.  "oh thank you for honoring my dead father, why the hell didnt you do it earlier when he could SEE IT".  Dumbasses all of them. 

As for myself i simply dont care what the world is going to do after im dead.  What does it matter at that point seriously?  My town just recently decided to name an alley (yes a frickin alley) after a vet who recently died of cancer.  Why did he have to die of the cancer before honoring him with an alley?  Is there some hidden nobility in dying from cancer?  I don't think so. 

Now from the military perspective i understand that its a little difficult to honor certain acts of heroism as the person typically dies in the process.  But for everything else there really is no excuse.  My Grandfather once said that while an inheritance is typically distributed after death, if you are able, it should start being distributed while alive.  So that you can take pleasure in what they do with it and perhaps even enjoy the moment with them.  There is simply too much that goes on after death that is simply labeled "in memory of".  Are accomplishments or actions any less significant during life?  Do they have to gain equity to be worth anything?  If i impact a persons life for the better or save a life, is that action worth more later than at that moment? 

Its pure laziness and stupidity if you ask me.  Ask yourself.  We all have some person in our lives that we would like to honor for the impact they had in our lives or for some other reason.  I would rather be able to honor that person while they are alive so they can feel the appreciation and share in the moment of recognition.  It is almost pointless to recognize them at all after death.  Kind of like a belated birthday card. 

If i do anything worthy of any kind of recognition and someone waits until after im dead to make mention...don't bother.  Recognize me while im alive, then remember me when im dead.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Do you fear Death?

Everybody dies.  Its unavoidable yet we struggle against it.  Why?  Is it fear?  Fear of the unknown?  Fear of leaving loved ones behind?  There are couple aspects of this that really throw me for a loop sometimes.

Doctors.  Talk about the the biggest hypocrits in the world.  There is no bigger one than a doctor.  This guy will sit in his office and tell you "you cant put a price on life" then slap you with medical bills you couldnt hope to repay in 4 lifetimes as he heads home in his Ferrari.  Why try to keep people alive as long as possible?  Well thats easy, to make more money from taking care of a half invalid person that is suppose to be grateful that their heart still beats even though they cant even go pee under their own power.  And people wonder why long term care is so exspensive.  Its extortion.  Exploitation of the elderly.  Its not like the old days when it was the burden of the family to take care of their own and to do so was a sense of repayment for their work as a parent.

This leads to the religious part which goes hand in hand with the individuals response to death.  Now Most religions consistantly tell us there is this glorious afterlife waiting for us.  Take your pick from heavan to 40 virgins (the latter would be hell in my opinion having to retrain that many) or whatever.  Now if this afterlife is so glorious and you believe that it really does exist, why arent we killing ourselves to get there?  Well duh, they put in the suicide clause that says you go straight to hell if you cheat and kill yourself, do not pass GO, do not collect $200, unless of course you are a terrorist then you get the golden hall pass. 

Family members.  These people never cease to amaze me.  Even my own.  They cry and weep and mourn.  Well if you believe that whoever died has gone on to a "better place"....WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU CRYING?  Well thats easy too...because people are selfish.  The only reason for being sad is that you want that person to still be around for the sake of YOU feeling better.  If they are truly in a better place then why on earth would you want them back?  And if thats the case why are we having a funeral to mourn the loss?  Throw a kegger for cryin out loud.  Celebrate the transition to this better place.  I mean i only go to funerals for the little sandwichs...dont we all? 

I was fairly young the first time i saw death.  Before 9 but older than 5.  I didnt cry.  I vividly remember that part.  My grandmother was sick her whole life.  Almost a modern day Job when i look back.  Maybe not that bad.  But the stories and the few memories, it had to suck. 

I will finish this in classic fashion, with some wisdom about death from Yoda.

"Death is a natural part of life.  Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force.  Mourn them do not, miss them do not"

Friday, October 14, 2011


I am all about tipping.  Go to a good place and get some good grub and have a good server.  Now in a traditional setting like an Applebees or Chilis for example the server has a set of duties to perform.  For me the biggie is to keep my soda full.  Everyone has their thing and this is mine and most of what i tip depends on this particular task.  Now i also understand that not everything is within this persons control.  So even good damage control can warrent a good tip.  I think the current standard is 15-20% for good service? 

Now what about a more non-traditional setting?  A good example of this would be a Golden Corral or buffett environment.  You get a server but the ONLY task is to simply keep you glass full.  I mean you do everything else yourself.  Do you tip these people?  And if so how much?  I mean seriously to me that isnt worth 15%.  Now if my server came over and did some juggling or danced a jig well now we get points for being entertaining but im not tipping 15% for simply keeping my glass full.  And in those places half the time they cant even do that.  My glass will be empty for like 5 minutes.  Yes it doesnt sound long but when you consider you are only in this place for about 30-45 minutes then thats a lot. 

Now for the one that really irritates the hell out of me.  Back in cheeseheadland where im from minimum wage jobs were just that...minimum wage jobs.  you dealt with it.  When i moved out west to where all these greedy "entitlement" liberals exist (damn them all to hell).  Ok so Arizona is mostly conservatives but anyway...THERE WAS A TIP JAR EVERY WHERE!!!!  In the Subway, a local deli, the yogurt shop, STARBUCKS.  Are you serious?  They didnt do that shit where i came from.  Whats up with these people.  Now i don't know what other people do but there is no ediquette anywhere spoken or unspoken that says to tip these people.  So i don't.  Its a cup asking for a free hand out for doing your job that you already get paid to do.  Some times they even get creative and call it so and so's college or car fund.  Its almost like a pet peeve because it burns me everytime i see one. 

Anyway this wanting a tip for everything is out of control. 

Do you tip the Direct TV guy who just put in your TV stuff?  Why not he did his job that he gets paid for.

Do you tip the plumber who just fixed your toilet?  Why not?  So what if he charges $60 an hour he did his job.

Do you tip the cashier at the grocery store? 

Do you tip the used car salesman that just sold you that car?  LOL now thats a good one.

Anyway I havnt been back east in a while to see if this disease has spread.  If it has then they can kiss my ass too.  If you want good tips go be a stripper.

Anyway on a side note the standard tip for your bartender is $1 per drink.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

To be or not to be...

I always wanted to be married by 25 and live the perceived normal life.  I am about to turn 34 and still havent tackled that one yet.  The longest relationship so far is 3 years.  Being alone is something i have gotten very good at.  This raises an interesting question.  How is it someone like me who deep inside really does want that someone special still manage to handle being alone so well?  Why is it that others i know cant handle it at all?

I try to operate on the premise that i'm not going to be alone forever.  This allows me to maximize and enjoy my alone time.  But does too much of this make it so you cant adapt when the time comes to be with someone?  in my early adult years moving around alot with the Army made it so that all attachments of any kind had to be left behind.  So a routine of sorts develops.  The types of things you do to keep your mind occupied that in a full blown relationship wouldn't really take place so much.  The routine becomes a lifestyle.  One that you become happy with and even enjoy.  But why is it that some people HAVE to have someone in their life ALL the time?

Is it because they havent developed that equilibrium with themselves being alone?  Is their own ego perhaps not strong enough to carry weight of reassuring themselves on its own?  Is the reverse true that if you spend all these years in a marrage or relationship that the notion of being alone is to scary to think about?  much like people like myself having been more or less alone ponder the situation of simply not being able to adapt to something as substantial as a super longterm relationship or marrage. 

Perhaps the most amazing part is how we look at these things.  A person committing their life to a single person from being alone is a happy transition?  Really?  So much so you get all dressed up and celebrate this loss of personal freedom.  Then there is the flip side.  Oh im so sorry you have ALL your freedom back.  Tough times ahead when you can do what ever you want.  Sounds kind of backwards.  But time and time again we as humans LOVE being tied down.  Kinda like a dog.  Screw running around the backyard, i want to be tied to the fence post on a 10 foot chain. 

A logical thought would be that somewhere exists a balance or a harmony.  What would it take to achieve this?  LOL see The Puzzle Piece Theory.

I often wonder if im too used to being alone.  That certain qualities required for a good relationship have been lost in translation.  Can they be learned again or remembered?  Or is the routine so embedded that it can't be changed?  The same could be said of the opposite.

Now while it is the natural order of things for us to co-exist in 2s (male and female to be VERY specific) its worth noting that it would seem there are plenty of factors that affect our ability to do this in what would be considered the ideal manner.

While i do live in America, one might say that a married man doesnt necessarily live in "the land of the free"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A small dose of EGO

Ego.  Such a tiny word with such huge implications.  More specifiacally the male ego.  I have one.  A really big one.  I am also a people watcher.  That will come into play a bit later.  Watching the male ego in action can be the most entertaining thing in the world.  If you know what to look for you can almost tell exactly where the person you know gets pushed aside and the ego just bursts through and takes over.

Probably the most common form of ego that is easy to identify is the "i can kick anyones ass" senario.  The ego goes into overdrive on this, especially if there is a woman present or involved.  All sense of logic disappears.  I mean its one thing to posture or stand your ground.  Maybe its about bluffing?  Ego is not about posturing or bluffing.  It seriously believes in itself.  Yes, even if on the other side of the equation is Chuck Norris or some other relavant badass. 

Where does this come from?  How can someone allow themselves to become so out of touch?  Well its makes us feel good.

To put this in a little more perspective lets take a small look at my own ego.  Its not really small.  In fact it has been defined by those that know me to be so big that it even has its own name.  They call him Steve.  Someone once said (i seem to remember it being my mother) that Steve arrives 30 seconds before i do.  Now i created my own ego and built it up to what it is.  Let me put it this way.  If every male had my ego, there would be no self-esteem problems in this world, the suicide rate wouldnt exist for men, the drug companies that produce "happy" pills would be broke, and women would have to do more than simply spread their legs to get laid.  OK that last part was kinda harsh but you get the point. 

What the ego loves more than anything is to be stroked by someone other than who it belongs to.  Much like a massage or the dishes, its much better when someone else does it to you or for you. 

Now having an ego can make us do some really stupid shit.  I mean seriously, you could have gotten that 100 pound box from point A to B in half the time with a 2nd person, but you wanted to demonstrate the proper way to give yourself a hernia instead.  YES, giving ourselves a hernia while boosting our ego because we can carry that huge box makes us feel good.  Of course we meant to fall down the stairs with it.

I am reminded of a Bud commercial.  The overly aggressive flag football game player.  Pure ego, every single bit of it.  Or even that guy that not only has to beat his girlfriend at that friendly game of whatever they are playing, but crush her to the point she will never play anything with him again.  And then he wonders why.  You know like the friendly pillow fight you had with her, and you managed to give her a concussion with a pillow.  Ego, all the way.

Guys even go so far as to accessorize the ego.  And you thought that chick over there was a golddigger.  Fast cars, lifted trucks, toys, or just plain spending of money for no other reason than you can.  The ego can put the novice golddigger to shame.  But check this out...they even gave it name for when the ego goes into heat...yeah...they call it the "midlife crisis".  And she though he was cheating on her with that slut at work. 

One final thought on ego for tonight...and this is aimed at women...if you dont stroke it for him, he will do it himself.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Just wired that way...

When i signed those papers i was totally unprepared for what the Army experience was going to be like.  Name your favorite military movie and thats probably what i was thinking.  No amount of story telling or pictures can prepare you for what is in there.  Its not just about killing.  There is the brotherhood and the traditions.  In fact, there is very little in the miltary that doesnt come from some kind of tradition.  Some of those traditions are older than the country it defends. 

Learn to put my life in someone elses hands?  Are you fucking nuts?  Or more simply the concept of teamwork.  There is literally no aspect that can be done 100% solo or alone.  You have to feed off the energy of those you serve with on some level, even if you are not aware of it.  Sure plenty of people go in and come out and its no big deal.  They have no idea.  You have to "get into it".  Much  Anyone can watch a game.  But its the fan that truly "gets into it" that really gets something out of it or maximizes what it is.  Learns all the rules the ins and outs to the point where you know every gesture, and what it means and why it happens.  While that other person simply regergitates the score.  Yes, there is a huge difference.  I "got into it" and took with me the very core of what it is to be a part of a brotherhood. 

I look around the civilian world.  Concepts like these and many others simply dont exist.  Its a dog eat dog world.  But then thats how its structured.  Teamwork?  Laughable at best.  I can look around and say that the only reason i see people step up to be a part of the "team" is for the gold star they put next to their own name on the fridge.  The precious few people in this world that truly see beyond this narrow vision tend to want to be a part of something bigger and join the military anyway.  Has anyone ever noticed that if by chance in the working world if 2 or more people that have served get put together for something that requires teamwork it automatically goes more smoothly?

I can look around at the people i work with and know that the only desire they have to help me is out of the selfish motivation that if they help me now then i am obligated to help them at some point later on. 

Without the life threatening senario the bond or brotherhood can't be truly established.  I mean if nothing is likely to happen then who cares right?  But then if thats the line of thought, who can you really count on?  And if thats the case why the need for the militaristic "you watch my back i watch yours" overtone?  Well its simple, i am now wired that way.  But then is that such a bad thing?  Well I suppose if i wasnt so bound by that line of thought and relaxed it a bit i might have a few more friends.  But then wouldnt they be fake friends?

The bottom line here is i miss a lot of the ideals i hold most dear being present in everyday life from everyone around me.  People simply do not understand.  On top of that you really cant even help them to understand.  Its just one of those things that if you werent a part of it, no amount of pictures or story telling is going to convey anything even close to what it is or means. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Impact of Random

So there i was, making my way through the McDonald's drive thru.  Ordering up a standard lunch and making my way to the pay window.  Upon arriving i wait for the cashier to tell me my total again.  Instead she said the person in front of me paid for it.  Wait what?  WTF?  So i look at the car in front of me at the pick-up window.  Some car ive never seen, some older woman i dont recognize.  She simply looks into the rear view mirror, waves and drives away.  Never to be heard from again.  Well then, thats 7 bucks i dont have to spend.  Works for me. 

Pretty cool right?  I mean who doesnt like free Big Macs?  "did you know her" the cashier asks.  Nope.  Random act of kindness maybe?  Well now a few years later, i dont so much remember the act of kindness, more so the shock factor.  Kinda funny when you think about it.  The look on my face when the cashier said some random person paid my bill.  First thought was it was an accident.  It wasnt.

That act sends me back to post 9/11.  My Army unit was rotating guys for airport security.  4 of us grabbing some chow at one of the sit-down restaurants.  This was common for most of us.  The usual table talk of who didnt want to take off their shoes or threatened to hold us responsible for missing their flight.  LOL really?  Im the one with the gun...take off your shoes.  Off in the distance a traveler is complaining about why they have to pay a fee to get a different flight because the soldier caused them to miss the flight.  The airline rep simply responds by saying "next time take your shoes off the FIRST time he asks you".  Anyway, one night as we are waiting for our bill, putting our cash in the middle counting it up, the waiter comes by and lets us know that the table across the way picked up our check.  He came over, shook our hands, and said thank you. 

So im at Chilis the other night having dinner.  Across the aisle is very young couple (probably high school) coming in for dinner.  I couldnt help but notice several things.  They sat together on the same side of the booth.  I can't remember the last time i did that.  A woman might look at that and call it cute.  Watching them was quite easy as they were directly under the TV with football on.  When their appetizer showed up (half order of texas cheese fries), the boy made a point to eat his with a fork.  Seriously?  Talk about putting on the prim and proper face huh?  I then noticed they were both drinking water.  Hmmm.  Must be low on cash so they are doing the 2 for 20 dinner deal.  As i stalked them some more it was obviously not a first date.  The high school puppy love vibe was quite apparent.  Going on a date back then at that age was exciting, not like today for us slightly older people.  All of a sudden i had the sudden urge and desire to pay for their meal.  So thinking it might be fun i asked my server to bring their check as it was at that moment.  They can pay for their own dessert.  Server asked if i was going to say anything to them.  Why would I?  So im pretty sure the server told them everything after I left.  Was i trying to be nice?  Nah.  Random act of kindness?  Nah, but you can think so.  Now if they didnt leave a tip then the server got screwed.  On the way out I was reminded of the McDonald's drive-thru.  Kind of hard not to, its right next door.  I did it for the shock and awe value that i will never see.  But as i pulled out of the parking lot i was left to ponder a few things.  How would they view the action taken?  Would it make a lasting impression of anykind?  And last but certainly not least..........

What if in reality I hate their parents?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Choose Wisely

Gut, Mind, and Heart.  Some days these things all seem to have a will of their own.  But, they all function in your head.  Curious the way these guys can all agree or disagree.  Make the easiest of choices look like life or death.  I feel the need to look at these as i myself have a decision or 2 that is causing a bit of personal conflict.

MIND - Live long and prosper, logic above all else.  The Mr. Spock in all of us.  This usually gets a bad rap becasue mind requires us to do that which is most difficult for emotional objective and unbias.  A very powerful tool.  Yet when it comes to matters of love and relationships this guy usually finds himself on the sideline watching us make fools of ourselves.  Even in my case I probably dont use this one the most, but constantly look to it for a 2nd opinion.

HEART - If you had to make a list of all bad decisions made in this world.  This guy prolly gets the gold medal for making them.  Completely emotion driven.  His sole purpose in life is to defy logic.  Thats not to say they dont agree sometimes.  The basis for decisions made here dont have a lot of solid ground.  You can usually poke holes in the type of "logic" heart uses.  Common sense is at a minimum.  Street smarts dont play into the decision making process heart uses.  In fact, mood seems to be the number one factor.  And as fast as a person can go from pissed off to happy, so can the decision heart makes.  Need to be careful with this guy.

GUT - My personal favorite.  Thrives on instinct and intuition.  Usually responsible for most of the choices i make.  That is if i have to pick ONLY ONE of the three.  There have been studies done on gut.  If a person is truely in tune with their own mind and body then these studies have shown that choices made with a persons gut instinct can be up to 70-75% accurate.  Now there are cases where all 3 of these guys agree but typically from my own experience, gut usually favors only one of the other 2 at a time.  It can even be called the animal instinct if you will.  Makes its decisions on the most primal level. 

Now im not going to go into examples and things like that.  Anyone can take a decision they have made and relate to this in some form or fashion.  Which is right?  Which is wrong?  Well that really depends on the outcome of the choice.

But i will say this, and this is iron clad.  Every decision that is made, we think it to be the RIGHT decison at the time, every time.  You have the rest of your life to rip it apart.  but again that doesnt change the fact that we thought it was the right choice when we made it.  If you take that into consideration...we always make the right that moment.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Matter of Honor

There is no honor left in this world.  A persons word doesnt mean hardly anything to anyone anymore.  A handshake is like flipping a light switch, its just something people do.  Young people are either not taught about the power and significance of these things or they think its pointless. 

Marrage in todays world is popular one for this.  Whether its a religious union or simply going to the court house, 2 people more or less make a promise to be with one another and work through lifes challanges together.  But more than 50% of the time (at least in this country) those people break that promise.  Sometimes it happens early or sometimes after 15 or more years.  Who taught these people that it was ok to break your promise?  Do these people (regardless of how they feel toward the person) ever regret or feel bad that they didnt keep their word?  How can these people ever seriously expect anyone to ever trust or put faith in them again?  I mean this is the ultimate promise.  When one person breaks it, it almost makes the other look like a failure too. 

Now im not one to go around preaching "my word is my bond"  because that is a little over the top.  But im not one to give people many 2nd chances when they fail at this.  If i do then its just because.  And i will always be left wondering when that person will let me down again.  Because it WILL happen.  However, i generally wont let myself get too close to that person.   

Its so easy to disregard, mainly because there is a lack of being held accountable for most things like this.  An "Oh well" attitude is so common.  I see so many young people look at older people like they are morons when they start talking about the importance of doing what you say you are going to do, or keeping your word. 

Is there something that isnt being passed on to the kids?  Are parents the failing to get through to kids?  I cant even remember the last time i heard the word honor spoken in a house when it didnt come from me.  Its like there is no sense of disappointment in ones self if you fail to keep your word or follow through. 

Its almost like if someone else isnt holding you accountable then it doenst really matter...almost like holding yourself accountable isnt enough incentive to follow through and the personal satisfaction that goes with it knowing that you are an honorable individual.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Unconditional? Fear the black and white.

Unconditional is defined as - Without conditions or limitations; absolute.

Now thats about as black and white as you can get. Now lets add some spice

Unconditional Love is defined as - there is no universally agreed definition.

Now thats a bit strange.  Add one word and all hell breaks loose.  But you dont even need to do that.  The creation of the gray area is all about making the individual feel better.  Altering the definition just enough to support the circumstances.  Now i cant think of a word other than love that creates more gray areas, but to put unconditional in front of it makes it black and white.

Time and time again i see people create there own defintion of both of these.  Now in a previous blog...

(cracks open another pepsi)

i referenced in my opinion the 2 most stable examples of this.  1.  a mother and child (this is only one directional, from mother to child).  2. a dogs love for its owner.  Past this you can generally poke holes in just about any other combination of anything.  I LOVE LAMP, ok maybe that one too.  Now lets take a closer look at this.

I am going to resort to extremes here to make my point.  If you have to ask why then go back and read the definition of unconditional.  Every person has their breaking point.  That one action or sequence of events that can plunge even the deepest of connections into utter chaos.  I asked someone recently do define unconditional.  The line at the top was not the answer i received.  What i got was a tailored answer to fit this persons own set of circumstances.  Now if i took the given answer as absolute then this person is correct.  But the definition of such a black and white word is not open to interpretation. 

I know you are reading this and i apologize in advance.

Everyone has an ego.  Even if the extent of that ego is nothing else than to feel loved, if only by one person.  And some people will do anything, distorting their own reality and completely redefine unconditional so they can say "blah blah unconditionally blah blah" so when the person listening hears this they fill in with the definition above and now the statement has a very powerful message.  But it really doesnt.  You can usually poke holes and find the exception that disproves the very black and white intent of unconditional.  A typical response is "well that wont happen", but that doesnt change the fact that it disproves the statement at hand.

My own mother and i have talked at length about this.  I believe she unconditionally loves me.  And it is one directional.  While i would say i reciprocate this, i am aware of the unlimited possibilities of the world and since i do not have the bond there is something that she could say or do in some form or fashion that could potentially sway that.  Now i dont know what that is but that doesnt mean the condition or execption doesnt exist.  In a world of people obsessed with gray areas for sake of making themselves feel better becasue the black and white of it is too harsh a reality to face, that opens up too many variables to consider. 

damn, out of pepsi....i guess this ends here

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The first time i got my ass kicked

Men have egos.  And like certain other things they require stroking.  We prefer to have it done by a female rather than doing it ourselves.  Every man has had his ass beat at least once in his life.  If he says otherwise he is probably lying.  My first experience with this was rather life changing in its own way.

To explore this we need to go back to 7th grade.  Now i was fresh out of catholic school.  Defiance really wasnt something you did just because.  I was amazed at the amount of "naughty" kids in my school now.  Who would have thought public school could be so undiciplined?  I hadnt yet learned that even what you say can have consequences.  After all we were all pretty controlled in catholic school.  So I had no fear of shooting my mouth off.  How different could it possibly be?  I would quite regularly do this to a particular short wanna be badass puck kid.  He was trying to be like his older high school brother.  You know, the go nowhere in life...ever...types. 

Its worth noting that in 7th grade was my first fight.  Not with the kid mentioned above.  In this case i didnt get beat up.  Though it did take several blows to the face to realize i had to reciprocate.  When there is a fight the ring of people develops surrounding the fight area.  After a min or so he backed up too far and one of the kids shoved him and he came flying toward me.  The only reaction I could think of was to raise my knee.  This then went straight into his stomach and more or less simply knocked the wind out of him.  He fell down, fight over.

Now summer of 8th grade karma would catch up to me.  The bike trails in my town run on the back sides of farm land.  Not a lot of spectators out there.  My friend and i were riding our bike back home from getting some McDonalds.  Coming toward us were 5 figures.  As we got closer i identified the short one and proceeded to go around.  They recognized me too and managed to get a hand on my friend and stop him.  I stopped about 100 feet and turned around.  They had seperated my friend from his bike.  They were hurting him or anything but it was definately bait to get to me.  My friend really wasnt much of anything, a stiff breeze would blow him over.  So i had to make a choice.  I could leave and hope they lost intrest and let him go or i could go back and try and resolve the situation.  Well even at that age i had a sense of loyalty to my friends so i went back.  No sooner did i get close enough they threw him and his bike aside and knocked me off mine.  My friend got on his bike and rode to a safe distance. 

Now one of these 5 people was the one short punk kid from school.  The other 4 were his brother (junior in high school) and his 3 friends.  I dont need to go into much detail to say what happened next.  Once i fell down all 5 took there turns, sometimes all at once.  They kicked me and hit me for what seemed like forever.  The stomach, my head, they didnt miss much.  The amazing thing was i didnt cry.  It hurt and hurt bad but i didnt have the urge to cry.  Once they were satisfied they continued on their way.  My friend came over to me once they were a safe distance away.  He helped me get up and walk our bike back home.

In catholic school if there is fight you tell someone and things happen.  But this was different.  I wasnt in school and there was no one to see and no one to tell.  It hit me (literally) that there was no real recourse.  I wasnt going to take on 5 people.  I couldnt tell my mom and have her talk to their parents.  That would have been social suicide before i knew what social was.  The only choice was to let it slide and just deal with it.  However, I did decide that it was never going to happen again.  Ah thank you U.S. Army.  As of today history has not repeated itself.  And while that may sound like a statement of arrogance, the truth is that confrontations have been rather minimal since then. 

you must pay for everything you say....

Friday, August 26, 2011

Random Animal Thoughts

Animals, most of us have had one at some point in our lives.  They impact us in many different ways.  Cats and dogs primarily.  They bring a sense of companionship are there to fill the lonely moments.While they may not be the greatest conversationalists, they are in fact avid listeners.  When was the last time you could ramble to a friend for an hour and that person sit there making eye contact with legitimate interest the entire time?  Probably wont happen in your life time.  But your dog?  Maybe even your cat? 

They say people who have pets live longer, happier lives.  The sense fo fulfilment through pets is well established.  It is truly amazing how that animal just knows when something isnt right.  At the present time i have a cat.  He is the best pet i have ever had to date.  His intuition about my mood and how i feel is uncanny.  I had a friend in town who got food poisoning.  My cat decided to hang out with him in the bathroom and help him feel better.  A dog is no different.

However, there is something uniquely special about a dog.  The loyalty a dog has for his owner or family is truly unrivaled.  People could truly learn from this.  There is no true unconditional love in this world with the exception being that between a mother and child.  The fact that you might choose to give your life for another does not automatically make your love unconditional.  If there is a close 2nd to this I would be inclined to say that it is the love a dog has for his owner.  Its that bond that makes a dog so special.  When you here the rare story of how an untrained dog took it upon himself to defend his owner in need.  There is a lesson to be learned here.  Why cant people be like this.  A dog raised in a good home is an approachable dog.  It always assumes you are there to be nice to him and therefore always takes the initiative to be friendly.  Well ok maybe he thinks you have bacon but still. 

A house isnt truly a home without an animal.  There is something about the pet that completes the home.  I had a dog growing up.  It amazed me even then how no matter what I did he looked upon me favorably.  Well why do you have a cat?  I dont have the time to devote to a dog that it deserves at this stage.  A cat is self sufficient.  A cat has a lot to teach as well.  The average cat will spend 50% of its life in a light sleep.  What have i learned from my cat?  Never underestimate the power of a nap.  The ability to relax and refresh yourself.  Even just an hour.  Have a problem bothering you?  sleep on it.  Day off and having a bored moment?  sack out for an hour.  Just got a big hug and you really didnt want it?  bathe yourself.

As a matter of fact im going to take his advice now...and go to bed 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Confidence or Arrogance?

I get this one alot.  Must be the way i walk or something.  It raises a question too.  Why is it that in this situation and others, when you watch someone walk down the street, its human nature to error on the side of arrogance?

One particular encounter comes to mind and sticks out more than most.  It was a summer day and i was coming out of the grocery store.  I was walking to my truck with a case of soda in hand, sunglasses on, minding my own business.  A woman yells out from a bench in the shade.  "Your shit smells just like everyone elses you know".  As the WTF light starts flashing in my head i turn my head toward the voice.  On the bench was a woman probably upper 40s lower 50s and a gentleman that at that moment i could only guess was her husband.  Once i made face contact she clarified with a "yes i meant you" or something like that.  I put my stuff in my truck and then proceed to approach them.  I respond with that all too familiar "excuse me?"  She then proceeds to repeat herself using different words, i dont remember exactly but im sure it cant be too difficult to picture how this is going.  In those few seconds i was more focused on thinking about how i wanted to respond.  What i wanted to say.  What tone i wanted to use.  And of course sorting through my list of curse words for added effectiveness of getting my point across.  Now i still have my sunglasses on.  The joys of being able to move just your eyes to look at something else while still appearing to make eye contact.  I glance over to the husband.  His expression was quite blank.  He didnt seem to have a feeling about this one way or the other.  Now i dont remember my exact choice of words.  But i did choose to not use profanity.  I only got about 2 sentences out.  I managed to reference walking tall and with pride as it applies to being in the miltary for 8 years.  As if my haircut shouldnt have given that away in the first place to this woman.  Now trying to stand her ground she began to say something else.  This was brought to an abrupt halt when her husband came out of nowhere and told her to shut up by name.  The brief pause felt like about 5 minutes.  All of a sudden i was overwhelmed with curiosity as to what this guy was going to say.  I resisted the urge to give a follow up comment reinforcing his telling her to be quiet.  In fact i think i forgot.  The moment itself was really cool.  But not nearly as cool as what followed, at least to me.  He then stood up and reached to shake my hand.  As we shook hands he stated he was a Vietnam Vet, such and such years and said "Thank you".  He even brought his left hand over for the 2 hands on one handshake in a gesture of sincereity.  I simply nodded my head (he did the same) and went on my way.

Why is that?  Why was it required that i state my case before i was looked at as a proud individual and not some arrogant prick? 

Another instance that really touched me, and i mean deep.  I can't even explain it.  I was workingat a customers house.  When i got there he answered the door in a power chair.  He had no legs, one and a half arms, and freshly stiched incision about 8 inches straight up his belly.  As i proceeded to work i heard a line from the movie on his TV as i walked by.  Without hesitating i just said the name of the movie ( i hadnt even seen the screen).  It was Platoon.  He asked me if i liked war movies and volunteered that i looked like i had served.  So he asked me a lot of questions about my service as i worked.  I then learned he was a Vietnam Vet who got blown up by a booby trap land mine that put him in his condition.  He was making wisecracks and jokes about it too having a good time with the conversation.  I mean really?  You want to share in the humor but you dont because you risk offending him.  I was going to thank him on my way out when the unthinkable happened.  He stopped me as i was leaving.  Got back in his chair from bed, rolled up to me, shook my hand and thanked ME for MY service.  Are you kidding?  I was getting babysat for my time compared to what this man had seen and been through.  I was beside myself.  So much so that not only was i speechless, i completely forgot i wanted to thank him.  The only saving grace for that was the eye contact at the end.  You just know.  The eyes of a soldier are deep.  I could tell he really wanted to be able to stand up and shake my hand. 

Had I seen him on the street I wouldnt have even given that a thought.  I would have thought car accident or something.  While i dont remember the details of the story he told about the incident, i wouldnt share it if i did.

Most civilians can't fathom what it means to me to have served.  The things ive seen and done....

Monday, August 22, 2011

What would you do?

"We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet: and, amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us."
~Maurice Maeterlinck

I'm on the job today and as i arrive at my next stop i notice a dog just running around the neighborhood.  Its about 9:00 and he came from the area of the customer i had to go and do work.  No big deal he runs up to my van and proceeds to do friendly dog stuff.  I discover after i make contact with the customer that the dog belongs to the neighbor and "got out again".  The customer proceeds to tell me that he has knocked on the door several times and got no answer.  He even calls the dog by name and makes a statement that the neighbor may lose their dog.  I'm not putting much concern into it at the moment other than to notice the dog is always near me while im working outside.

About an hour later I notice the dog has lost most of his energy and taken up shade where he can find it.  I grab my iphone and pull up the weather and find that current temp is about 105 degrees.  At this point i start to keep a little closer eye on the dog as i work.  30 more minutes go by its around 10:30 now and temperature is closing in on 110.  The customer opens his gate and the dog ventures in his back yard going toward the water dish he has outside for his own dog.  The customer calls the dog and directs him out of the gate.  The lack of excitement from either of them suggests this occurance is common.  So I think to myself.  I got here at 9 and this dog was already outside.  Im sweating my ass off and have already made a few trips to my water cooler and here this dog was just rejected a drink from the neighbor that clearly knows this dog.  Now i dont know about anyone else but this small act just sent me through the roof.  I call the dog over to me once the customer went back inside.  His tongue was completely dry.  For those of us who have had dogs we know this is bad.  As i walked to my van drinking from my bottle he was following me licking the hot cement whenever my bottle dripped just trying to get some kind of drink.  I didnt have a bowl but kind of got him to drink from the spout of my jug.  Once he was satisfied he took position in the shade again.  I finished up at about 11:30 with the temp at 110.  The customer was still just driving the dog away. 
Now the customer had a dog of his own.  Wouldnt that incline him to maybe at least put a bowl of water out?  OK fine the neighbors neglected the dog by not being able to keep him in, but does that mean the dog has to dehydrate and die when there is someone there that can prevent it?  What lesson is that going to teach the dog?  He could have called animal control maybe, at least then they would have takin the dog and given him some care.  I can handle cruelty to humans, sometimes they deserve it.  Not to a good friendly dog suffering in the heat.  I can just imagine the heat index to furry dog.  Pisses me off.  Both the neighbor and the customer.  Let the dog have a drink asshole!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day off

Ah the day off.  A concept far greater than anyone could have imagined.  Day off means lake time.  This normally consists of a waverunner, an ipod, and a large body of water.  But how does something like this begin?  Typically you might think of sleeping in or being lazy or doing laundry. 

Well the alarm clock may be turned off but the alarm cat is always ticking.  It starts going off typically around 7ish.  A very curious mechanism indeed, has the ability to nudge your hand around.  Now this particular device does not have a snooze button.  If it does i cant find it. After a few sessions of this the alarm cat goes to stage 2.  This involves approaching my face from a perpendicular position assuring maximum nasal penetration with its whiskers.  This is the moment where you can opt to wake up or purrmanently shut off your icat but flinging it across the room and splattering it on the wall.  The various animal rights groups are not fond of the latter.

Anyway its day off.  Capacity for rational thought is about zero for the next 24 hours, the care cup is bone dry, and....uh...need coffee.

Ok back to the lake.  Aside from the shower, i do my best thinking out there.....and singing.  The clarity with which you can organize and sift thorough your thoughts, make decisions and choices, or simply clear your head of all that nonsense is amazing.  On a random sidenote i was asked once why I chose a waverunner over a motorcycle.  Well duh, isnt the answer obvious?  Guess not.  Ok well if i had a motorcycle and im doing 50mph and decide i just feel like doing something totally stupid that the end result is probably going to be me flying through the air its most likely going to ruin my day.  Now if choose that same pure spontaneous act of stupidity doing 50 on a waverunner that gets me ejected and feeling like batman, how much it makes my day better really depends on how many people actually saw it.  For me the key to maximizing the benefits of this form of relaxation didnt present itself right away.  Having an ipod while riding was like...i dont even know so forget that part.

Ok some songs from todays playlist

Metallica - lots of it
Syrian - Musika Atomika
Linkin Park - New Divide
Bloodhound Gang - Discovery Channel (secretly everyone loves this song)
Rammstein - Reise Reise, Mein Teil (with music this awesome do you really need to understand the words?)

random movie quote stuck in my head...
Woman:  How do you write women so well?
Man:  I think of a man, and i take away reason and accountability.

totally useless clue if you cant figure this out:  the joker

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Puzzle Piece Theory

I have been getting asked about this quite a bit so it is fresh in my mind.  Most of the time only certain parts get explainded or talked about.  Most people seem to see the logic in it and others seem to think they are the lucky ones in the theory.

We have all built a puzzle at one time or another of some kind.  You spend all kinds of time fitting many combinations of 2 pieces together until its finished.  Through this process you always come across those to pieces that look like they go together, kind of go together, but after a 2nd good look you just automatically know that they dont.  Usually because there is an edge that just doesnt have that perfect fit.

Now I'm sure some Dr. Phil wannabe has suggested something like this at some time.  But guess what, he isn't here.

We as people looking for our partner in life are quite the same.  The old saying there is someone out there for everyone is quite true.  But the chances of you actually ending up with that person (give the pure amount of people in the world combined with a persons pure lack of exposure) are relatively small.  As far as exposure goes the odds that you have simply walked by this person in public at any time is small.  A classic example i think of is those high school sweethearts we all remember getting married and being together forever.  The odds that they are the 2 correct pieces?  Probably zero.  A person can get "used" to anyone over time.  I'll come back to that.

So what about the people we do choose?  Well since hind sight is 20/20 you tell me.  Typically the person we choose to marry or choose for a long term relationship is more likey a piece that looks like it fits or comes close.  Because this is the closest most people will see they come to accept that as the perfect piece.  This is where the ignorance sets in.  Ignorance simply being a state of not knowing any better.  Some people choose to stick with what is close and others go there whole live either holding out or constantly jumping ship trying to find that piece.  This is not to be confused with "the grass is greener..." because numbers would say that there is a piece for you out there in which the grass IS greener.

Someone mentioned that while the may not be the perfect piece that the 2 of them make it fit.  Well I can take 2 of anything and superglue it together and make it fit.  That doesnt change the fact that those 2 pieces were not the perfect fit.  Also adapting yourself to someone is natural, they call that "smoothing the edges".  Now this doenst mean go kick your significant others to the curb and start traveling the world.  What it does mean is that sometimes ignorance really is bliss.  But the odd thing is that it is only bliss for as long as you are happy.  So logically its worth noting that chances are there is something that is a better fit, but at the same time since many wont be able to really comprehend what something better could possibly be (especially if they are currently happy or satisfied), they will simply acknowledge that ignorance is bliss.  But then every once in a while some people do in fact get lucky.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is anything worth taking seriously?

I used to be like everybody else.  Taking my life and my job and stuff seriously or acting like it was important.  But then i had a wake up call.  Two seperate ones actually. 

The first wake up call was the Army.  Not so much the everyday stuff but for those who have seen any kind of action would know.  Being put in a legitimate life threatening situation.  The kind with real bullets and real people actually trying to kill you.  When you come back from that and transition to civilian life everything seems different.  You look at your coworker who is complaining about how the boss wants them to work some overtime or neighbors raising hell over kids running up stairs.  Then you realize that in a previous time that very well might have been you.  But not anymore.  Why?  How come its not a big deal anymore?  How is it that i can laugh in my bosses face when he is exploding with frustration over the stupidest thing?  Its simple really, there is no life threatening anything involved.  There is no reason to get uptight or take it any kind of serious.  Most people would say "Life is too short to take everything seriously all the time", I would say "Life is too short so dont take ANYTHING seriously at anytime."  unless you are being shot at.  Then maybe take a step back and focus.  Could be important. 

The second part of this revealed itself to me through a woman i had dated for a very short time years ago.  A free spirit, always having a good time, never took anything seriously.  It just seemed like a good quality, untill i met her kids.  Her daughter the youngest of three was about 7 years old.  She had a disease where the body treats the muscles as if they were an infection.  She needed help to bathe or even change from laying down to sitting up on the couch.  Cute kid, high spirited given her situation.  I forget how it came up but she revealed the connection to me one night during a conversation.  Told me that she has to maintain a positive attitude for her child and given what her daughter (being the one that is actually living with the disease) is going through that there is absolutely nothing that could happen to her (her being mom) that would be worth taking any kind of serious.  The revalation didnt set in immediately.  I thought it over in some depth over the next day or 2 and then put it together with the first wake up call.

When I put those 2 together and took a long hard look at my life it became clear.  For most people there is nothing that takes place in a typical day that is worth the brain power of taking seriously.  Getting pissed off when the boss gives you the shit job to do for the day and failing to remember how many would do that for half your pay just ot have a job.  Laugh at the crazy lady downstairs complaing that you do your laundry at 10 at night because it disturbs her.  Its not worth taking seriously and getting mad at.  All these people I look at.  Taking things so seriously.  What would they do if they suddenly had to dodge bullets just to make it to there car to go to work each morning?  Or simply leave the house everyday knowing that they might not come home that night?  Sleeping as light as you can just in case of a surprise attack.  Or even having a sick child that requires your abilty to see the funny in everything to draw strength from. 

So the next time I piss you off because im making everything a joke (because you have thin skin) or just laugh in your face when you got mad and made it worse,  Just remember i dont take anything seriously and then ask yourself if it is truly worth taking seriously.

Why so serious?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How early did I become me?

Personality, we all have one.  But, what makes it what it is?  Why am I this way?  Where did my instincts and tendancies toward certain things come from?  It didnt happen yesterday or last week even though that may be the first time I was faced with that particular situation.  Enter Sigmund Freud.

Now the numbers 6 and 9-12 stick out like a sore thumb for me here.  He suggested that the core of your personality was formed by the age of 6 and that the fully developed and unchangable personality that is you is complete between 9 and 12.  Now while i may not be spot on accurate here, I do know for certain i am in the ball park.  When i analyze my younger years i find this line of thought to be almost 100% accurate as it applies to me and while I took Phsycology like most other people, I do not feel the need to reference anyone elses point of view on this.

I started school at the age of 5. K through 6 at a catholic school.  The 20 kinds in my class would become the same 20 kids i saw and sat with and played with and ate lunch with everyday of school for the span of those 7 years.  Think about that.  The same 20 kids from roughly 7am till 3pm 5 days a week for 9 months of the year for 7 years.  Thats almost more time than you spend with anyone else during that time including family.  There faces and names are burned in to my brain even now at 33.  Vivid memories of all 7 of those years.

First off i didnt really have any friends of that group.  I never played with them after school.  Thats not to say i was hated or anything.  You get used to being together as a group over time.  Most of them had more financially stable families while my parents were divorced, times were tough.  They had Nikes, I had whatever was generic and on sale.  They got the newest cool toys when they came out, I didnt.  We all had to wear the same uniforms so i was spared further ridicule.  As a kid its difficult to understand why and can make for some difficult times.  And since the class never changed over the years the impact this had was doubled.  I have come to think of them as almost like family.  They were there for so long and now as adults to bump into one is almost like visiting a brother or sister.

Anyway, as i grew up the desire for nice stuff was always huge.  I am not a materialistic asshole by anymeans, but rather just like to have nice stuff.  The most identifiable example is Oakley sunglasses as opposed to anything else.  Well how can you attribute that to your childhood?  Because it was beat in to me for 7 years by the same 20 kids.  Thats what it was to be normal or cool or fit in.  I am now wired that way and in the moments where you think about changing its like an instinct kicks in and says nope that goes against the moral fabric of everything that is you.  I learned to get by without having any real close friends.  The path to learning how to be alone and get used to it begins here.  Because once school was out, i really didnt have anyone.  A friend here or a friend there but could always count them on one hand.  Still can today.  I wouldnt mind having more, but instictively don't.  Probably woouldnt know what to do if did lol. 

Now this may sound like a tale of sorrow but it really isnt.  When I look at how I became me and where my personality developed many of its characteristics, these 20 kids and that period of time is almost always at the core.  Now after 6th grade I shifted to public school.  I was completely unprepared for what awaited me, but that is another story....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Science flys you to the moon, Religion flys you into buildings

Ah the great debate.  Is God out there?  Do I believe in God?  Well of course i do.  Just incase he really does exist.  Though i was raise a hardcore catholic (even went to catholic school) I developed my own level of spiritualness.  I have a very Star Wars way of looking at things.  This may sound wierd but if someone takes the extra 2 seconds to listen to the dogmatic way that it is to be a Jedi one will find it makes a lot of sense one you remove the sci-fi.  Like death.  How does a Jedi deal with death?  In the words of Master Yoda "Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force, mourn them do not, miss them do not".  Doesnt that sound remarkably similar to what a priest or someone like that would tell you?

Now if we all believe that a dead person goes on to a better place why do we have to cry and be sad about it?  Well thats easy, because people are selfish.  I've learned that the sorrow comes from the selfish desire to have that person with them for their own personal need. 

What really gets me about the whole God and religion (meaning what gets me recently) thing is the whole giving thanks.  For what?  I see it on Facebook all the time.  Someone will accomplish a great personal feat.  Then give God all the credit.  Well what did he do?  I mean God didnt make that baby for you.  He didnt carry you during that 25K marathon.  In a world where giving credit where credit is due is huge to people in the working world they just give it away here.  Why?  The reality is you mustered up the personal strength (whether you see it or not) and did it yourself.  I mean if you want to use God as a crutch or as some kind of way to trick your mind into thinking you actually had help and really couldnt do it well then i guess that fine.  Why deprive yourself of that huge sense of accomplishment?  The ego boost that follows and the pure sense of satisfaction? 

Now I've read the Bible and I'm familiar with the whole drawing strength and having faith thing.  But if he is up there he isnt really helping anyone.  God retired when Jesus took over and the only time God seems to step up is when he gets bored and wants to hit the reset button.  Reset button?  Yeah like a flood.  God created Jesus because all he was doing was killing everyone all the time, a flood here, fire and brimstone there.  So they invented this thing called forgiveness.

I could spend a lot of time on this.  I think i will leave it here for now.  But the issue of giving credit to God for something you really did on your own baffles me.  God wants you to be able to do it on your own.  But if we didnt believe he helped us then i guess the preachers wouldnt have anything to preah. 

My final thought for today.  The world has over 1 billion catholics, chritians, and the like.  No other has more.  Now ask yourself (those of you who do not believe in God), what if you are wrong?  When you die and are confronted by the Almighty, what do you say? 

...can't explain it but this post makes me feel like im Glenn Beck...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Do some people just have nothing else to do?

We have all at one time or another looked at someone doing whatever and said to ourselves or the person next to us "don't they have anything better to do than *insert action here*".  At this current time i have to say that is the woman that lives in the unit under me.  Aside from the fact that what she did yesterday (get there in a bit) that really set me off, i simply wish i could understand (even if i dont agree) the drive she has to do these types of things.

First the setup, I live in a 4 unit condo/apartment building.  Two up and two down, she lives directly under me. and for us uppers there are stairs at either end of the building.  Now my neighbor is an older woman who has had brain surgery.  Nice lady has a couple kids my age and what seems like a million grandkids (closer to like 4 i think).  She isnt allowed to drive because she still has the occasional siezure, that said the family seems to rotate through and visit, or BBQ, bring the grandkids for a sleepover, use the pool here, or simply make sure she has what she needs.  I on the other hand live alone and tend to keep to myself with the occasional hello to my neighbor (no not the woman downstairs).

Yesterday i came home to a flyer stuck in my door.  I more or less was telling both of us upstairs units that running up and down the stairs is against the rules and regs of the complex.  It failed to provide info on who submitted the complaint or provide any contact info if i wished to get more information.  It simply said that due to repeated disturbances that myself and my neighbor stop using the stairs on MY side of the building.  Now i dont know about you but sometimes you really have to pee.  And last i checked little kids run up and down stairs, its what they do.  If anything i should be complaining about them running around the balcony/walkway we share.  I don't because it doesnt bother me, its petty, and thats what kids do.  This note was clealy made by this person on her own accord becasue when i called my landlord to check for a complaint, there wasnt one. 

At this point I wish i could go inside her head and see what the thought process is here.  Im sure many people have thought the same thing about a neighbor or a co-worker.  What makes these people tick?  Do they get satisfaction?  Is it a chip on their shoulder from their past?  I mean we talking about stairs here.

Now obviously im not the one running up the stairs, unless i really have to pee.  So all i can think to myself about my neighbor is leave her alone.  She has more to worry about than an energetic 4 year old running up the stairs probably doesnt really give a shit either. 

you want more?  oh yeah theres more.

My landlord sees no reason for me to stop using the stairs on MY side of the building.  He does at this point feel the need to fill me in on what she did to the last tennant in my unit.  All our units have there own washer and dryers in them.  She complained about the last person because they were doing their laundry at 10pm and later.  Now the fact that the renter was a lawyer really didnt matter because guess what....he can wash clothes whenever he wants, thats why they are in the units.

Now this might come off as venting or complaining or whatever.  Its really not.  Its quite thought provoking really.  She lives alone she is in her 40s I would say, never has visitors, and isnt that bad looking i guess.  What purpose does this serve?  What happen to people dealing with people when they have a problem?  Everyone seems so afraid of confrontation these days because everyone is so quick to jump on the defensive before they listen.  And when you couldnt figure out who was causing your problem you ask the whole upstairs to stop using half the stairs? 

My devilish side tells me "her complaint said nothing about jumping" >:) 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why I am here

Like many people i have had on many occasions thought to myself that my life, experiences and view of things would be found quite interesting to the rest of the world and that I should write a book about the average person.  But is the life and experience of the average person interesting? It has to be to at least one person in this world.

Well truthfully the credit has to go to a friend who also blogs.  This person said they would be interested to read it.  So we will see if anyone else jumps on this train.  But of course we will see if i decide if this is for me and how long i decide to stick with it.  I guess it depends on a certain level of inspiration as well a curious mind that wants to know.  We will see.

So why not start with something that makes me feel good.  Today is my day off.  Typically you will find me on the lake for a few hours today if it is summer time.  For those who dont know, I live in Lake Havasu City, AZ.  I have a waverunner that is quite possibly one of the best purchases I have ever made.  The feeling of freedom and lack of problems when you are out riding is like nothing else.  Only an avid motorcycle rider can really relate.  The wind in your face and nothing but the horizon in front of you.  No cell phones, email, or text messages.  I usually go by myself.  I load up my ipod, put the earphones in, and just ride.  Some of my best thinking happens out there.  You look back and the landscape and see your town and then realize that all of your problems are there.  Its like they can't swim or follow you off land.  It has a way of almost hitting the reset button or centering ones self for that period of time...until the next time...