Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Unconditional? Fear the black and white.

Unconditional is defined as - Without conditions or limitations; absolute.

Now thats about as black and white as you can get. Now lets add some spice

Unconditional Love is defined as - there is no universally agreed definition.

Now thats a bit strange.  Add one word and all hell breaks loose.  But you dont even need to do that.  The creation of the gray area is all about making the individual feel better.  Altering the definition just enough to support the circumstances.  Now i cant think of a word other than love that creates more gray areas, but to put unconditional in front of it makes it black and white.

Time and time again i see people create there own defintion of both of these.  Now in a previous blog...

(cracks open another pepsi)

i referenced in my opinion the 2 most stable examples of this.  1.  a mother and child (this is only one directional, from mother to child).  2. a dogs love for its owner.  Past this you can generally poke holes in just about any other combination of anything.  I LOVE LAMP, ok maybe that one too.  Now lets take a closer look at this.

I am going to resort to extremes here to make my point.  If you have to ask why then go back and read the definition of unconditional.  Every person has their breaking point.  That one action or sequence of events that can plunge even the deepest of connections into utter chaos.  I asked someone recently do define unconditional.  The line at the top was not the answer i received.  What i got was a tailored answer to fit this persons own set of circumstances.  Now if i took the given answer as absolute then this person is correct.  But the definition of such a black and white word is not open to interpretation. 

I know you are reading this and i apologize in advance.

Everyone has an ego.  Even if the extent of that ego is nothing else than to feel loved, if only by one person.  And some people will do anything, distorting their own reality and completely redefine unconditional so they can say "blah blah unconditionally blah blah" so when the person listening hears this they fill in with the definition above and now the statement has a very powerful message.  But it really doesnt.  You can usually poke holes and find the exception that disproves the very black and white intent of unconditional.  A typical response is "well that wont happen", but that doesnt change the fact that it disproves the statement at hand.

My own mother and i have talked at length about this.  I believe she unconditionally loves me.  And it is one directional.  While i would say i reciprocate this, i am aware of the unlimited possibilities of the world and since i do not have the bond there is something that she could say or do in some form or fashion that could potentially sway that.  Now i dont know what that is but that doesnt mean the condition or execption doesnt exist.  In a world of people obsessed with gray areas for sake of making themselves feel better becasue the black and white of it is too harsh a reality to face, that opens up too many variables to consider. 

damn, out of pepsi....i guess this ends here

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