Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Science flys you to the moon, Religion flys you into buildings

Ah the great debate.  Is God out there?  Do I believe in God?  Well of course i do.  Just incase he really does exist.  Though i was raise a hardcore catholic (even went to catholic school) I developed my own level of spiritualness.  I have a very Star Wars way of looking at things.  This may sound wierd but if someone takes the extra 2 seconds to listen to the dogmatic way that it is to be a Jedi one will find it makes a lot of sense one you remove the sci-fi.  Like death.  How does a Jedi deal with death?  In the words of Master Yoda "Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force, mourn them do not, miss them do not".  Doesnt that sound remarkably similar to what a priest or someone like that would tell you?

Now if we all believe that a dead person goes on to a better place why do we have to cry and be sad about it?  Well thats easy, because people are selfish.  I've learned that the sorrow comes from the selfish desire to have that person with them for their own personal need. 

What really gets me about the whole God and religion (meaning what gets me recently) thing is the whole giving thanks.  For what?  I see it on Facebook all the time.  Someone will accomplish a great personal feat.  Then give God all the credit.  Well what did he do?  I mean God didnt make that baby for you.  He didnt carry you during that 25K marathon.  In a world where giving credit where credit is due is huge to people in the working world they just give it away here.  Why?  The reality is you mustered up the personal strength (whether you see it or not) and did it yourself.  I mean if you want to use God as a crutch or as some kind of way to trick your mind into thinking you actually had help and really couldnt do it well then i guess that fine.  Why deprive yourself of that huge sense of accomplishment?  The ego boost that follows and the pure sense of satisfaction? 

Now I've read the Bible and I'm familiar with the whole drawing strength and having faith thing.  But if he is up there he isnt really helping anyone.  God retired when Jesus took over and the only time God seems to step up is when he gets bored and wants to hit the reset button.  Reset button?  Yeah like a flood.  God created Jesus because all he was doing was killing everyone all the time, a flood here, fire and brimstone there.  So they invented this thing called forgiveness.

I could spend a lot of time on this.  I think i will leave it here for now.  But the issue of giving credit to God for something you really did on your own baffles me.  God wants you to be able to do it on your own.  But if we didnt believe he helped us then i guess the preachers wouldnt have anything to preah. 

My final thought for today.  The world has over 1 billion catholics, chritians, and the like.  No other has more.  Now ask yourself (those of you who do not believe in God), what if you are wrong?  When you die and are confronted by the Almighty, what do you say? 

...can't explain it but this post makes me feel like im Glenn Beck...

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