Whats up with these walkouts and stuff?
Black Friday (actually pre-black friday on turkeyday) walkouts at Wal-mart and now i see the fast food peoples doing the same thing in New York. Whats the deal?
Well, of course they want money. I mean thats the best way to get a raise right? just walk out and throw a temper tantrum in the street. you shouldnt have to better yourself at all, i mean a burger flipper should make as much as an electrician or a doctor right?
These have always been minimum wage jobs. The Fed determines what minimum wage is but the states can have a higher one. Its there for a reason. If you cant use it whats the point.
First we have Wal-mart. the king of shit labor practices. well how bad can it be? as big as they are and as many people as they employ it cant be all bad? "well some people dont have a choice" BULLSHIT!!! go live in a ditch. There is ALWAYS a choice, some just arent practical but they are still choices. So the union scum say they support these walk outs and that walmart should start paying their people $13 an hour instead of the usual $8 range. Tell me what skill set does a cashier or a shelf stocker have that warrants that kind of pay? Consider what that kind of increase would do to prices? And on top of this these people choose to do this in a bad economy when jobs are scarce. Wal-mart can fire every one of those people, go down to the unemployment office and replace all of them instantly without even blinking or even taking into consideration WHY those people walked out in the first place. They simply wouldnt need to care about it.
On to New York. Same thing here. the union scum say places like McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell should start paying their people $15 an hour. I guess if you want to pay $10 for your next Big Mac that would be fine. Now many of these employees are teenagers and the like. Should your kids be making $15? i copied that question from the article. I look at it funny myself when i read it. but consider your 16 year old high schooler who obviously lives at home grabbing a part time job at Micky Ds for $15 an hour. How is that going to affect his mindset and outlook on school and life and the desire to better himself? on the surface it sounds kinda dumb to ask the question but the more i repeat it in my head and imagine different senarios my answer is NO, i dont want him to make the kind of money right away.
Whats missing from this picture? Yeah its easier for these lazy people to demand more pay rather than get off their asses and go learn a skill, go to school, or simply look for a better job. For this reason alone they do not deserve a damn thing. There are no excuses, there is so much crap out there these days to help people better themselves. Staging a walk out isnt going to convince any employer to do anything but fire your ass.
I simply do not understand how any one of those people thought "hey this is a great idea". I guess it goes back to a saying, never underestimate stupid people in large groups.
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