What is it about age that contributes so much to this rivalry? In our youth most of us would sacrafice as much sleep as we had to in order to score. Late night, wake up in the middle of the night, early morning, it didnt matter. Go to work on no sleep for a 10 hour shift, no problem. You can sleep later right? I mean each time might be the last time you get any right? Its only sleep. Its only work.
You will notice i put sleep first. there is a reason for this. As i have gotten older I have developed a much fonder appreciation for sleep and the benefits of it. Now if its not a work night well that changes the playing field...but not much.
I look back and can see that it was probably the excitement of the whole thing. Wasnt that the unspoken rule too? To never pass up an opportunity? Maybe its a guy thing. But that cant be it entirely. I mean in order to sacrafice the sleep to get sex you needed a female partner to participate. Having said that it must work both ways.
They say you can sleep when you are dead. I mean hell in todays world all you need is like 2 hours of sleep and a few red bulls to get through the day. Or wait. What about that illusion of if you get laid then you will be happy and refreshed (on no sleep) and have pep in your step and be glowing and be superman and all that? Experience would say that is the biggest load of shit. If that was the case guys wouldnt always want to go to sleep after sex, they would fly out of bed and go bench press a buick. If that was the case women wouldnt want to snuggle, they would go start cleaning the house, or doing dishes, or make the man a sandwich. Maybe some do? I want a sandwich.
When you were young it was thought in your own mind that sex was vital to your survival. Later on you discover it was really sleep.
So when its 11:00PM and you have to be up at 5:00AM to go to work and someone wants to get some because they dont have to get up and waited till now because they been on the computer or phone for the last hour what are you going to do?
Guess i'll go find out....